Sunday, April 03, 2005

A B-day, A Bike Ride, And A New Roommate

The last party I went to quite like this one was maybe when I was around four or five years old. But then again, it was a four year old's birthday party. A's cousin was the Birthday girl. It was at a place that was set up like a big farm. There were horses, ponies, train rides (ok it was a tractor with little buggies behind it), one big ass hog (800 - 1000 lbs!), a bunch of ducks, rabbits, and two or three turtles. Then there was cake, and ice cream, and along with that automatically comes 20 screaming, hyper, having a blast 3 - 5 year olds. I tell you what, if I was four years old I would have been in heaven. It was an awesome place for a party. I even found myself standing beside the cooler after a few minutes, only it was full of Cokes and Kool-Aid. Old habits die hard I guess.

After the party we came home and I went for a ride. Being the perfect day for a ride it was warm but not at all hot - actually a bit cool since it was around 6 pm before I got started. My usual spot was crowded with herds of indoorsman suffering from Spring fever. It's amazing how people forget about how refreshing it is to be outside on a nice day. On any lazy summer day the place would have been lonely, but on an exceptionally nice Spring day (today) it was slammed. Sad really, but bittersweet to know there are a lot of people out there who still prefer the outdoors to the tube, even if only for a few Spring days. I was riding along a section of the trail that was meandering through a field in between two lakes and heading into a woodsy section. Just as I passed under a few trees a gnat slapped right onto my eyeball and lit onto my contact lens. Great. I stopped in an attempt to free the bug from my eyeball, but in so doing I inadvertently removed my contact. There I was, covered in mud, hands shaking from riding so hard, out of breath, and I am holding a dirty contact - with a gnat on it - on a mud covered finger. I ditched the contact and turned around, rode a wider gravel road trail that loops back around to the trail head and stumbled over to my car and drove home - with one eye. Yes, it was a perfect day for a ride.

So you're wondering about the new roommate? He's furry, has white paws, stays up late, and talks really weird. We picked up our new cat from the local Animal Shelter Saturday afternoon. He's honestly the most affectionate cat I've ever been around, it can be at times almost annoying, but he's cool as shit. He likes to play rough, bounce around, and has been in trouble already. He actually responds when you call him....can you believe it? Cats don't do that? His name is Brodie, but we're not sure if we're going to change it or not. Let's see if Brodie knows how to pay rent.....doubt it.

All in all it was a good weekend. And as always it was way too short for me to already be writing about how the weekend went. So in the words of a good friend of mine...."Thanks for stopping by San Diaaago."


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