Friday, June 03, 2005

The Fruity Fly

Now I know the issue of sexuality and whether or not it is by choice or it is genetic is an extremely controversial issue, but it seems as if scientists have made a telling discovery not easily disputable.

A group of scientists, studying the mating habits of fruit flies, have supplanted a particular male gene known for its control of sexual rituals and whatnot, into a female specimen. To their amazement, the fly acted as a male fly, and began the male sexual ritual towards another female fruit fly. It's quite astonishing I admit, and has gone a long way to make me think about what exactly determines a being's, be it fly's or human's, sexuality. In this particular case it looks as if, for this fruit fly at least, a gene determined it's sexuality. It's one of those "HHmmmmmm" questions.

The best part will be the political fallout. What will Jerry Fallwell and Rush Limbaugh say to dispute this finding? I'm not sure, but I am sure that it will be quite to my amusement. Aside from the political right, what is the left going to say? Will Hillary Clinton come out and say.."I knew it!!" How will state governments, from Texas to California, react, if at all?

It will be great - get your camcorders ready!

Here's a link about the findings...

Fruit Flies


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