Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Whew! I Need A Break After That Break

We had a pretty fun and busy weekend. After finally getting off work Friday night around 11pm D and I headed over to the Fri. night spot and put a few back. We also met up with a guy we used to work with who has moved to a different company, so that was really cool too.

A had been at the Kenny Cheeeeesssey concert with R who was in town for J's dad's wedding. A & R swung by the spot after the cheesney concert and had a few beers before we all headed back to the apartment. After all the drinking, talking, and drinking, it was nearly 4 am before I was asleep.

That created a problem. Me, making the ASSumption that since it had been raining for three straight days, was predicted to rain all weekend, and was currently pouring, was wrong in thinking our Sat. 7:30 am tee time would not happen. Oh yeah, the course is an hour away. At any rate, I made it to play with a couple of guys from work (one boss by the way) and one of their friends. It was great to ride with the 'boss' who isn't really my boss as he works in the other building. He is new to the area having just transferred from Dallas, and seems to be a great guy. I hadn't even had much of any kind of conversation with him before Saturday.

After the round from hell with the rain, crappy play, and soaked feet, I came back to the apartment and crashed for a couple of hours. During that time A & R solidified our plans for the rest of the day. I woke up, showered, got dressed and we all headed downtown to watch the second half of the AAA baseball game. On the way we stopped at a local pizza restaurant and gorged ourselves - that ended up being another mistake. We met up with a lot of J's friends and family (the wedding, remember?) and they all of course wanted BBQ - so we had to go to that famous one in the alley.....I couldn't resist getting ribs despite having been stuffed to the gills already.

Then they wanted to go out. Now you can imagine, after four hours of sleep, a golf round, and all this socializing I was ready to drop. We went to the strip. It ended up being pretty fun. I was tired, but it was with people whom I don't see very often and I had a great time at the piano bar. Damn it was hot though. I ended up meeting some really cool people and actually found out we have some mutual friends - which is always nice.

Sunday was the recover day. We woke up and didn't do much. R had to leave before returning to her city to eat lunch with J and A & I sat around and didn't do much until heading to see a movie. By the way, no joke, Wedding Crashers has got to be the funniest movie I've seen all year - GO SEE IT if you like comedy at all. Then we headed to eat Thai food, which was good. After that we came home and watched a TV movie that ended up being pretty entertaining - but cheesey.

So, that's the weekend. I once again wrote too much, but in my defense it was a very busy weekend.


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