The Work-Week Ensues
Wednesday I woke up and tried to get things to as normal as possible. With everything packed in boxes, plastic on the floor, and of course simply the newness of everything, sticking to the routine was out of the question.
The previous week's Wednesday and Thursday had been quite interesting. I have applied, upon the suggestion of several peers and superiors at work, for a managerial position that brings with it more responsibility (in terms of dollar amounts) than any other position of the same title in the country. So, on both Wednesday and Thursday I had interviews with my bosses. There has been a big push for them to get someone hired as the current manager accepted a new position quite a long time ago. With that said, I was hoping for a quick turnaround.
So what does all this have to do with this week? I was hoping to hear something regarding my position upon my return. Well, I did. I found out late Wednesday night (the same day I got back) that I had an interview scheduled with the VP on Thursday morning before ten. Now, I didn't get off work until well after midnight Wednesday night. It was just a busy day. I didn't get in bed until well after 1 am. Further, I was to wake up extra early because I still hadn't got the commute time down pat and had never done it at 9 am. I showed up for the interview about twenty minutes early and waited. To my surprise, the interview was not only with the VP, but also with his right hand man. They tag-teamed me.
For whatever reason, I have always almost enjoyed interviews. I like the challenge, the back and forth dialogue and the adrenaline they bring. It is almost like a game. Any good interviewee knows that (and this is terrible to say) it isn't so much what you have done or what your capabilities are, as it should be, but more of whether or not you know what to say and how to answer questions. I have thus far in my career been very lucky to succeed in this arena. During college these skills won me a prized internship and just after college got me on with the company I work for now, which is among the biggest in the world. At any rate, I felt I did well on the interview and since I knew both the gentlemen and I knew the topic of which we spoke intimately, I was very engaged in the conversation and put forth my ideas and listened to theirs as well. If it hadn't been in the context that it was, it would have been one of those in which great ideas and strategies come out of that I love to have with co-workers.
That was Thursday. I was hoping best-case scenario I would know something by the following week. Thursday night the VP came out of the front office to find me. He said he wanted to express that I had done a great job that morning and to let me know my immediate boss was out of town and that's why I hadn't heard anything yet. Wow, that was quick.
Friday I showed up to work in a great mood not for the prospects of the job so much as that we had extremely light volume for a Friday. If no problems ensued my team was on track to finish in less than eight hours - which rarely happens. It was about 2:15 when my boss called me and asked that I meet him in his office at about 2:30. My heart skipped a beat I think. Needless to say, it was the longest fifteen minutes of the week. When 2:30 finally arrived I went in to his office and he instructed me to close the door.
It could go either way.
I sat down and he began to talk a little corporate speak as most bosses do. "As you know this position has been open and you have applied for...." blah blah blah, get to the point, please.
He went on to say that I did pretty poorly on my interviews and that these were skills I needed to work on and he would help me with.
"Is this guy for real?" The thoughts raced through my head.
He then went on to say he wanted to help me with my terrible interview skills in my new position.
I got the job.
Later I asked him if he was just joking about the interview thing and he laughed and said of course he was, that I had done exceptionally well. Relief. After four interviews for one position, for an internal candidate (me), I would hope that I did relatively well.
You know, it's been a good month so far. I bought a house and then I got a new job. I've got a lot to celebrate and be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
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