They Found Wood
I was reading the news this morning and saw there has been a confirmed siting of an Ivory-Billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis). Well how about that? Apparenly no one has 'officially' seen one of these creatures in sixty years, but I bet the locals will tell you the science geeks are foolish because they have never stopped seeing them.
The siting was in eastern Arkansas near the Louisiana border. The last official siting in 1944 was very nearby, in Louisiana. Another interesting note was this is the sixth bird, according to the article, that has become extinct since 1880.
Read the article Here
At any rate, why the hell am I writing about a woodpecker in eastern Arkansas? I can't really answer that one. It just seemed like a good thing to write about, and I've liked woodpeckers since Woody.
Now that's a piece of news you won't hear every day, and you must admit, I am one hundred percent and teeee-totally dedicated to providing the most random postings on the planet.
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