Tuesday, June 07, 2005

All Work & No Air

Why is it that every year the air conditioner in my apartment goes out and yet the property management team does nothing to prevent it?

It's now 85 degrees inside. The maintenance guys just came by and did something to the unit outside, then came up and gave me a piece of paper stating "Complete. Repaired."

Speaking of the apartment, it was interesting watching them tow away the cars of people who hadn't moved them from a particular section being paved today. I wonder what kind of arguments that will create? It took them all of an hour (at most) to pave the section. They had a big truck with a sprayer attached to a tank, much like a water hose with a sprinkler head on it only instead of spraying water it sprayed blacktop. As I'm sitting on the balcony watching, I couldn't help but notice it took them four people to do a two man job. They had one guy driving the truck, two guys holding the hose, and one guy walking around spraying the parking lot. Four people! (Not to mention the foreman who was probably sitting in the 'other' truck) I guess we'll call that a low unemployment rate.

Add the two maintenance guys it took 10 minutes to fix my air conditioner and we've got political ambitions to run for mayor.


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