Sunday, July 24, 2005

An Inspiring History - Sort Of

I just sat down to write a post about the weekend, and found I wasn't much inspired nor in the mood to be posting. Instead I just went through some of my old postings and was finding myself quite amused.

There's the one about Brody (misspelled) being so affectionate. That went out the window. He is still very nice, but he is more rough and tumble than what I would call affectionate. At any rate, it was great to look back on getting Brody. Then there was the time the gnat smacked me in the eye and ended a would-be great bike ride. I had to revisit old vacations in which I didn't do a thing, and the New York trip was great too. I won't ramble, you can read them if you want.

The most interesting thing to me about my blog is that I'm finding it to be somewhat of a highlight reel of the past year. It's fun to go back and look what I was doing, thinking, and writing about at any particular time. Like the gnat in the eye post, I hadn't remembered that was the same day as the B-day party. It sounds silly, but it amused me for quite some time and I enjoy reading back through my blogistory.

Still not being in much of the mood to post, I started playing around on the dashboard's 'recently noticed' list. I particularly liked the one with the drawings, Eyes Wide Apart. A, you will really enjoy that one. So, with the inspiration of several other bloggers and a comtemporary history of my blog under my belt, I decided to quit being lazy and jot down a few words.

The weekend was pretty good. A's family came to town and we tinkered around the city for a few days. Of course my weekend didn't start until Saturday as I wasn't able to leave work until after midnight. So, in the morning we began to get ready for a day's fun. While A's dad - we'll call him Dr. J - and I had been ready for some time and while A and her mother had just began the odyssey of "getting ready," we decided to split up and meet for lunch once they were finished. Yes, I said lunch, and yes, it takes that long. WE ended up going to a really cool little music shop and checking out this and that, and killed a little time before meeting up with A and Miss P for lunch at a Quizno's. After that we headed to Barnes and Noble, and then we headed back to the apartment to drop off my car and relax a bit. Then we went to see Wedding Crashers, again. It was just as funny this time as it was the first. After that we went up to the local mall and then out to eat at a really great Mexican restaurant. Good beer, good food, good margaritas, and great cheese cake. After the big meal we ended up coming back to the pad and falling asleep to the Braves game - they won in the 9th! Andruw went yard.

As Dr. J and Miss P were on their way to the beginning of a week-long vacation, they left early in the morning. That left A and I to do not much all day. We ate lunch at Chili's, enjoyed the 2-for-1 drinks and ended up going to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and liked it. It wasn't quite as entertaining as Wedding Crashers but was definitely worth paying the matinee price to go see. We had a good time. Then we came home and laid around on the couch, watched The Sopranos, and A is now in bed.

What in the world is up with the weather? If one word could describe the weekend in summary it would be damnhot. It was over 90 before 10 am.

Ok, ok, I'll stop. End of post.


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