The Usual...OK, not really.
So here I am. Still not posting anywhere near as often as I'd like to. What have I been up to lately? Let's see, a whole lot of the usual stuff to be quite honest.
On the contrary to the usual weekend however, we had quite a big weekend in the social arena. Friday night we went to a "naughty or nice" Christmas party. I guess the theme was to either dress up as Santa's helper or to go as a lump of coal. A and I saw, honestly we did. There was actually someone there dressed as a lump of coal. Good stuff.
Then on to Saturday night we had my company's Christmas party. Ahhh yes: the annual dreaded corporate Christmas party. We didn't want to go, but we made the most of it, and it was good we showed up....for employee morale and all that other propaganda.
So it wasn't that normal of a weekend after all now was it?
Oh, another thing not of the "usual." I got engaged since my last posting. Yep, I went and did it. I took the big plunge, put on the ball and chain, said yes to the warden, and ...... ok, if I keep writing I'll be sleeping outside in a tent. It's cold outside.
Short and sweet this one was. (The post, not the engagement).