Friday, April 18, 2008

I Love Fridays

Yep, it's official. I do. I love Fridays.

There are several reasons why I love this wonderful fifth day of the work week. Let's review. First, it's the last day of work before two days of free time. The word "free time" here is subjective and changes rapidly and without warning when one becomes married. Also, since it is the last day of work, more often than not work gets pushed to that worst-of-days Monday for fear of "starting a 'project' and not being able to finish it before the weekend" anyway. There's also my favorite coffee mug that I only drink out of on Friday. It just tastes better, and no, I don't care if you think I'm crazy. Friday is also the beginning of the weekend if you like to go out and party. I used to like to go out and party more than I do now, but the same "not a week night" feeling still applies. I can stay up as late as I want without worrying about getting up early. It's the PERFECT day to ditch out early and get in nine holes of bad-played golf. It's a great night to grill out. I don't have any work to do. You don't have to put up with that infinitely annoying co-worker. And, there's always the excuse to go out to eat for lunch anywhere you want and take a little bit extra time because hey, "it's Friday."

Baseball games are always better on Fridays. One of my favorite movies is named Friday. It's also the day when high school football is played in the fall, and the night before tailgating festivities take place on the college stage. You can't beat it. You really can't. It's a movie night, it's pizza night, it's hamburger night, it's whatever night you want. It's the night you got to party in high school.

This Friday was no different. Work was easy, the coffee was great, we're watching a movie, and besides the Braves not being televised tonight, (thus the movie) everything has gone great.

Ahh, there's so many reasons why Fridays rock.


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