Saturday, June 28, 2008


Man, I've been pretty busy lately. This entire past week I was in Atlanta for work. We were learning about some new software. I'm such a nerd that I'm kind of excited about using it at my work when I get back. I got back home Thursday afternoon, and some friends of ours came in for a visit Thursday night.

Now, at this point, I've got a story to tell. It involves me doing the dumbest damn thing I think I've ever done. This is the kind of stuff you make fun of people for doing. The kind of stuff I make fun of people for doing. It's amazing really. At the last exit on the interstate my gas light popped on. I thought it was perfect timing because it went off as I was exiting and was in front of a gas station. I pulled in, and started to get gas. Now, for about the previous 30 or 45 minutes I was talking on the phone to a friend from my home town. I hadn't talked to this guy in probably a year or so, and I'd found out he's living back at home for a few months with his wife, is working with his dad on a great big project, and is expecting his second child in January. What great news. I was elated to know a good friend was doing excellent. BAM! It hits me. While I'd been yapping I'd started to pump the gas. Only, it wasn't really gas, it was freakin' diesel. The way I caught it was I realized I'd only got 16 gallons for 75 bucks. I was pissed, then I realized what I'd done, and I was livid. A day later, $720 poorer, I had my truck back. So after this long drive I'd been on, and a week of really tiring work, I was exhausted by the time I got home, and then we had to clean up the house for our friends. It was a great night, really.

I woke up early Friday morning, and it was a whirlwind work day. I was in meetings from literally 8 am to 11:30, then we ate lunch, came back, jumped in another meeting until 2:30. At that point, after not sleeping well for obvious reasons, I was exhausted. I think I left work at about 3:30 or 4 to go pick up the truck. The wife met me at the dealership and we traded rides as I was driving hers.

I can't believe what I did. I thought the nozzles wouldn't fit in regular gas tanks anyway? Well, take it from me, they do, and it's an expensive mistake. Pay attention, and throw away all your cell phones. It's cheaper.

Friday night we grilled out and I went to bed, because yes, I had to go in to work this morning for a few hours. Our office is working today in order to have Friday off for the 4th - which will be cool.

This afternoon has been quite nice, on the contrary. The wife and I have vegged, watched movies, and relaxed all afternoon. I think we're headed to our spot for a couple of beers here in a few minutes. That'll be a nice end to the day.

Geez, you ought to hear all the crap I'm getting from work, friends, and the wife for this one. I deserve it.


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