Thursday, June 09, 2005

She Is A Bush Nominee, It Could Go Either Way

While reading the daily news feeds this morning I stumbled across a wonderful quote. The source of which is a recently confirmed judicial nominee to the federal appeals court, Janice Rogers Brown.

"If we can invoke no ultimate limits on the power of government, a democracy is inevitably transformed into a kleptocracy -- a license to steal, a warrant for oppression."

The manner in which she performs remains to be seen, but her history suggests she looks to objectivity and traditional right vs wrong tactics as opposed to precedents and legal norms for her judicial decisions - another homerun in my book.

Being a republocrat - or demopublican, I cant decide which - I find it refreshing to see such an important post filled by one not binded to norms. It tends to allow enlightened judgement, as opposed to biased, when deciding legal doctrine. On the other hand, she is a Bush nominee accompanied by the fact that she, like Bush, cites deep Christian faith as justification for many controversial decisions.

But in the end, is not the judicial branch the only effective check on that of the executive? Like I said, it could go either way.


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