Saturday, August 13, 2005

Beware Of The Penguins

Now this, is what I call humor. At first glance one would think it is just another office, probably that of some type of techie company. Then, you find out it is a Microsoft Office.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Linux, those three penguins up there are the Linux mascots. Making you smile yet?

The reality of this situation is that Microsoft has been studying Linux for some time now in another attempt to rip off someone else's good idea, put a half-assed version of it in their next OS, and then patent it to the point that the person/people who came up with the idea now have to pay to use it. (Yep, that pretty much sums up Microsoft - in my humble opinion.) This picture comes from the office of the people who are studying Linux for Microsoft - and can be found on CNET's


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