A Turkey's Western Migration
Turkey sandwiches, anyone?
Feast week went relatively well this year, despite not being able to make the trip home. My grandmother and father came down here for a visit and stayed through the weekend. It was nowhere near normal: new house, not home, no A, etc.. BUT - we did have plenty of food. A made two pumpkin pies, sweet potato casserole, and a whole bunch of food before she went home. A turkey made the migration from east to west, and we made green bean casserole and had cranberry sauce and gravy to boot. Good food, not a normal holiday.
Friday I went in to work at the usual early start time but left around 2:30. Let me tell you, not many people in the office world stay around the day after they eat turkey. I am so used to having that day be such a tremendous volume day that I almost forgot most normal people get to take it off. It was nice to leave early at least. Tired of turkey, we ate barbecue for dinner.
Saturday we woke up early, because dad and my grandmother just do that, and sat around until about an hour before the Vols game started. Just when I was getting good and settled in to watch the game, it was time to go to a shoe store we have here but not at home to get that special you can only buy out of town pair of shoes. It ended up being a treat though, while she was in a shoe store we were in a second-hand golf store and I found a damn-near brand new Nike driver, usually $250-$300, for $29.99! Sweet. I can't wait to try it out.
The Vols finally won. I can't believe it, we beat freakin' Kentucky. Now, we have no bowl to look forward to and that idiot offensive coordinator Cutcliffe is coming back again. I thought we got rid of him to Ole Miss, but they didn't want him either. What's more, I have to hear about how we had a losing season all year. Blah.
A came back Saturday afternoon and we all went to Home Depot to pick up some fire irons and stuff for the fire place. Cool, we had a real fire. It was great. Then we drove around the city for awhile and gave the nickel tour of the area and where we just moved from. That night we came back and ate leftovers from turkey day.
Sunday morning dad and grandmother woke up especially early to make the trip back home. They were predicting bad weather so they wanted to beat the rain. Who is 'they' anyway? The weather was cloudy and gusty, but 'they' swore up and down on live television there were tornadoes and floods and a whole mess of terrible things we never saw. We ended up going to lunch at a new place, in hopes of it replacing our old favorite Mexican restaurant of the same name. No go, it wasn't the same. The food was close, but the atmosphere lagged.
The restaurant was in a shopping center that had a birdfeeder store. I have no idea why we went in or what sparked us to decide to, but when we left I was out forty bucks and had a bird feeder, a bird feeder mounter hook, a five pound bag of bird seed, and a Christmas tree ornament. I don't know, don't ask. We came back home and mounted the bird feeder on the special hook we bought for it, which in turn was mounted to a post on our wooden fence. We haven't seen any birds yet, but if we do I'll be sure to let you know.
Sunday night was, you guessed it, movie night. We watched Crash, which for as good as everyone said it was, was terrible. The point it tried to make was done so in a manner overly obvious, it was overdone, and the thing lasted way too long. Despite the star-studded cast, this movie is a pass on the rental list.
And now it's Monday night. Work was great, I'm still trying to get used to this 8 to 5 thing. The job is actually fun, and I'm enjoying my new role and loving the fact I have less people reporting directly to me. Sweet. We just got back from eating at a Japanese restaurant that was pretty good, recommended by several people. I had the spicy tuna roll and vegetable tempura. MMmmm....
Now let's work on digestion a bit before we break out the pumpkin pie...
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