Bathroom Renovation: Phase II
Ok so the bathroom drama continues. No nothing dirty here except plumbers putty and wax seals over toilet flanges.
As I mentioned in the previous blog I've got the toilet back in and the last step was to put the pedestal sink in. However, I failed to mention a couple of things. First, I started getting into the plumbing for the sink, and one of my main objectives was to take out a particular PVC pipe and replace it with some chrome fittings that will look good in a bathroom. What I found was absurd. The idiots who rigged this up were completely lazy - I'm assuming it was after my house was built.
At any rate, typical drains run from a sink, through a P-trap, and then own to the sewer connection in the foundation. The drain goes down, and it also goes up to vent usually out the top of the roof and is capped off to prevent rain from coming in. In my guest bathroom there was a PVC pipe coming down from the ceiling and hooking into the p-trap on the outside of the wall. Now this was all fine and dandy when there was a vanity complete with a big cabinet to hide all this messy PVC, but with the vanity gone it is ghastly. My mission, to hook the PVC pipe coming down - what i thought was the vent - to the drain. It wasn't the vent, it was the damn air conditioning drain pipe. In the attic the drian and this ac drain run right beside each other. WHy the hell they didn't connect them up there I'l never know. At any rate, I spent all damn day yesterday cuting PVC, gluing PVC, in 130 degree heat, with fiberglass itching arms/legs and misery. It sucked. But, I finished it today with the help of a friend. My legs itch, my arms itch, my legs hurt, and I have a whole in the wall with only one PVC pipe as opposed to two PVC pipes to show for it.
Next stop, putting up bead board, baseboards, and chair rail moulding.