Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What's Been Going On?

It's been over five months since my last post; I figured I should write something. Although, posts such as these rarely are interesting. My tactic has always been to give brief updates of what has been going on since the last time I posted. Here goes nothing.

First - I am now engaged to A and we are getting married in June! We are SO excited and are really looking forward to everything that comes along with a life together. However, the entire marital ceremony planning, flowers, receptions, dinners, hotels, addreses, invitations, save the date magnets (yes I said magnets) and a whole mess of everything else that goes along with it will not be missed during the honeymoon, which by the way will be in St. Lucia. In summary - we're really happy about the marriage and are ecstatic at this point about a week of relaxation to recover from it.

Second - and just as exciting as me getting married is that I have a second nephew! Woo HOO! Nephews are awesome. The older one is now almost two years old believe it or not and has an awesome little personality. He's such a happy kid and has this adorable streak of "meaness." As for the new little ankle biter he's great at sleeping, eating, and pooing, as are most kids his age. He's adorable still, and I can't wait for him to develop a little personality to either counter or complement his older brother's. The only thing for sure at this point is that my sister and brother-in-law have their hands full. Hey, at least it won't be as expensive as two girls right? They'd have to pay for two weddings. HA!

All other news pretty much pales in comparison to the first two pieces of what's happening in my life. I'll summarize.

I've redone my bathroom - which if I'd been posting all along would have been a GREAT topic to talk about. I ripped up the carpet - yes in the bathroom - and the tile. Pulled out the vanity that was there, took down the mirror, friends of mine with A surprised me and took the ugly-ass wall paper down and then took out the toilet. Then the reconstruction began. I laid tile, painted, put the toilet back in, and now I have to buy a pedestal sink and install it. Whew. It's been a hell of a lot of work but I have really enjoyed it. The best part of home improvement is the tools you just have to buy in order to do the job - and you get to keep them! It's great.

Work has gone along steadily - not much new there. Baseball season has started and I'm extremely happy with the Braves' off season bullpen improvements. It seems to have made quite a difference. And this past weekend was a riot with Ashley's friends - three of which stayed with us and no the bathroom hadn't been finished yet. Can you imagine four girls trying to get ready in one bathroom? I'll let you because it is too painful to try and explain.

And I guess as I said before after the wedding and nephew there's not much else interesting in comparison that has happened. I'll stop writing and maybe it will be less than five months before I write again.


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