Spring Suburbia
Am I the only one who is completely tired of college basketball? Actually, It's not that I'm tired of basketball, it's that I'm tired of hearing the fans from tiger high talk about how they're the best team to ever play the game. And, I'm even more bitter because my wife wants to watch the game and is causing me to miss Tom Glavine pitching in a Braves uniform for the first time in years. I know what you're thinking - "how could someone want to watch a regular season baseball game instead of an NCAA national championship basketball game?"
Hi. My name is frobinso, and I'm a Braves fan.
At any rate, I've been pretty busy lately and have neglected the blog. This past weekend was kind of a work-filled marathon. Saturday morning I headed over to the local homebrew shop for a club function. Our annual competition is coming up soon and we sorted all the entries by category, labeled everything, and then transported them to another location. Sounds simple, but you try taking 300 beers and separating them by beer categories. That afternoon I did laundry and cleaned up a bit. This brings me to my next little story of the weekend. We have tons of work to do around the house, as we are planning the big move this July. It's no secret the housing market is horrible, so the house needs to be in perfect shape come this summer. We have lots of work to do. So much work in fact, I explained to wifey it wouldn't be a good idea to drink beer all afternoon, and that I was staying home to get some work done. "No no no, you should come too, it'll be fun." Despite my protests, she and a friend ended up going, I stayed home. And worked. What now makes the story funny....she actually called me a few hours later to come pick her up because the friend she was with didn't want to drive back out to our neighborhood. She knows I love her, and yes, I suckered in to going to pick her up, and again endured all the tiger high fans for about 30 minutes.
Sunday I was outside by 9 am and didn't come in until after 5. As if my neck wasn't red enough already - now it's sunburned. It's that time of year again, already. I was able to mow the front and side lawns, cut the overgrown juniper from off of our walkway, pull up all the weeds from the ENTIRE front flowerbed. I also met a new neighbor, talked with our friend the other neighbor too, and then we went to the local beer spot with the new neighbor. When we got home I went straight to the big brown chair and fell asleep...exhausted.
At this point Kansas is winning by five at the half. Keep it up guys, keep it up.
Today has been rather busy as well. Work was stuffed, stayed late for a Mon/Wed 5 pm meeting. I know right, who in the hell schedules a meeting at 5 pm twice a week? Then tonight I finished the back yard I wasn't able to attend to yesterday. It took me about thirty minutes just to run the weed-eater. Arrgh. That's what two straight weeks of rain will do to a lawn in April. Then I came in and flipped on the Braves, ate the wife's unbelieveably good hot chicken dip and chips, cracked open a cold one, and then got interrupted by a basketball request. Like I said, she knows I love her.
Oh sweet! The wife fell asleep on the couch. Bottom of the eighth, the Turners down by 1. Things are getting back to normal.
'Til next time.
Go Braves, Go Vols.
I gleefully tuned in the last five minutes to watch Memphis State's grand choke job last night. It was glorious.
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