Monday, June 13, 2005

Food, Drinks, Friends, and Golf

It was a good weekend, all in all.

Friday night a friend and I went to a local favorite for after-work-because-I-work-second-shift drinks. Not a bad crowd for a Friday night, and I enjoyed some delicious nachos.

Saturday a friend of mine, actually a great friend-a college roommate-and his wife came into town for another friend's soccer tournament. It was good to see ol' AC again and his wife and he seem to be doing wonderfully. AC has recently passed a big test and is now licensed to work in the real world - despite my best efforts at dissuading him from doing so (the real world part, not the test). The good news is that he and K are moving a lot closer to us than they were before, but still about 3 hours away. So, with them being in town we met up after they had dinner and went to a restaurant for drinks and to catch up. I ate as well.

Sunday I got a call from a work buddy at about 9:30 in the morning. He invited me to play golf with him, and I gladly accepted. With A out of town it was a great time to go, and we had plenty of time to get to the airport by 5:30 for her flight (which ended up being delayed anyway). I had a blast. The weather threatened all day long with intermittent blasts of sunshine followed by dark clouds, but not a single drop of rain fell on us. For not having swung a golf club in what has to be nearly a year, I was pleased with how well I performed. My swing was still there (at least on the front nine) and I was actually hitting the ball more straight than I ever have before. I wonder what in the world granted me such luck?

A and I came back to the apartment Sunday afternoon and we decided we wanted to eat at a local Thai restaurant, which is completely awesome. I always love that place, and it held up to my expectations last night.

So, now it is Monday afternoon and I am waiting for work to start tonight as I am covering the 3rd shift for another supervisor who is out on vacation this week. I don't even go in until around 9 pm, and won't get off until after 5 am. Blah! I suppose we have to do what we have to do when it comes to picking up a paycheck.

At any rate, it was a mundane weekend but it was relaxing - and I needed it. The week ahead shouldn't be too bad as the third shift is a great way to escape the political escapades of the job, and the week after next I'll be on vacation once again. I can't wait.


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