18 Holes & Two Crappy Movies
The title pretty much sums up the weekend....
Saturday morning we just laid around the house and didn't do much at all. I played banjo while she made a scrapbook. Earlier, she had gone to the grocery store and bought all kinds of wonderful food - so we ate lunch here. At around 1 pm we were getting bored and I decided I wanted to play golf. She said it would be fun if she drove the cart - and that's what we did. Although A couldn't drive a golf cart on a straight line headed for the broad side of a parking lot, we made it off the course without hitting water or sand...I was pleased. :)
Saturday night we watched two of the Netflix movies we received this week. Alexander, and Guess Who.. I didn't like either one of them. Alexander was just too darned long and skipped around all over the place and the plot never really developed, he just died. Guess Who would have been a decent flick except for the fact that I'd already heard what was going to happen and about all the funny parts from those extremely annoying types of people who love to repeat every single scene of the movie they've just seen that you have not. Aarrgh. At any rate, on Netflix's 1 star to 5 rating system I gave Alexander a two star rating (didn't like it) and Guess Who a three star rating (liked it).
OH yeah, the title doesn't sum up the weekend. I left out Sunday afternoon's beer-drinking festivities. We of course headed downtown to the spot and had a great time watching all the people dressed up like you-know-who. Afterwards we headed for some great food on the strip and more people-watching, and then we came back home. So while Sunday's activities didn't win a spot in the title, we did have fun.
That's the weekend: 18 holes & two crappy movies - and a couple of three or four beers.
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