Friday, December 09, 2005

Random Week

ITS FRIDAY! Although this week has gone rather well thus far, it has been very busy and I'm ready for a break.

At work we've had problems from leaky roofing in the warehouse to huge adjustments to inventory - both of which can cause major problems and put a knife in a good day.

Here at the house we've been rather busy too. One night we went out to eat, one to Target (yes, again) another night we cooked up a big pot of spaghetti, last night we watched a Netflix movie, and tonight I'm sure will bring something as it is Friday. Whew!

For some reason I've gotten hooked on Howard Stern's radio talk show in the mornings on my way to work. While I have never really gotten into him on his TV shows, he's rather amusing to listen to on the radio. I was watching E last night while they aired his show: it seems the shows E airs are only the ones where they bring on some type of porn star or a random hottie and have her get stark naked and profess her love for Howard. Now, don't get me wrong, those are all funny, but I think the radio show is much better in the mornings. I particularly enjoy his outlash towards the media and his gross resentment of censorship. I agree with the guy, if you don't like it, don't watch it. At any rate, he lost the battle and is now going to satellite, along with every other show that even thinks about having any type of humor/controversy/worth whatsoever.

Well, that's enough for now. I'm just killing time waiting for the time to go to work. I'm picking up a co-worker who's car is getting fixed today - so I woke up early.


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